Dec 25, 2006

While going through the laptop, I found that I had a few videos that I had taken with my digicam. Earlier in the year, in an effort to organize data on my laptop when I was running out of space to store more, I had deleted quite a few movies. It was such a mistake to do that. I wish I had stored each and every one of them. And even though they are crude low res movies, they are sometimes so much better than photographs. Does God have cctvs installed somewhere up in the sky, the recordings I can access. :)

It is no arty farty movie. Just one of the bonfire we lit at that time. And it was sometime winters in Pune, we were freeeeezing. Taken on one of those countless bike rides in the middle of the night, to the middle of nowhere. A bunch of guys, from different places, with differences that didn't matter. What did was that we had a bike, or atleast a place to ride pillion behind someone. Some of the best times of college, these trips, and with some experiences. We called this place 'Silent Valley', even though there wasn't any valley. Just a rivulet that had water only when it rained, in the middle of nowhere alright. The road that led to it was so tracherous that God forbid if we were to have a punctured wheel or some such thing, we'd be royally jacked (bikes dont carry spares!) it was so off the taken road. And there was this time, when more than half of us were scared shit out of our brains because of a wild jungle fire we encountered atop a hill. It was an eerie sight, like somewhere on another planet altogether.

Ps: You could see it with the audio, or without it. :D


Anonymous said... of the bike rides, where u ditched us.. never asked us, rite?

Anonymous said...


on a serious note... Nostalgia...

Black Tulip said...

daaru aur maangta hai, eh? :P

Kunal said...

and take away ALL of the fun!!!!! :D reaper...

yeah, nostalgia...

:D, tulip, you heard!!! yeah half of us were drunk...but you wont hear me..mebbe in some other ones...:)

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

i remember seeing the pic before......its done pretty well, kunal....i tried using the video mode ( i wasnt even aware for a long time that it existed in my and my technology-challenged ways) for the first time in these vacations...i shook the camera so much that the video quality is hilarious...........

and yeah i heard the daaru part too.....drunkards!!! :DDD

Kunal said...

yeah the pic was part of the same trip...i kinda discovered the thrill of such clips too late...had deleted most of them...just have bout ten odd of them now...

R.P. said...

dude,wat a recap!miss those times.


Every photograph on this blog (except the title background) has been taken by me. . . To view more, click on any of them to go to my Flickr page (link on sidebar too). Feel free to use them the way you like, no issues, though I wouldn't like it if someone passes them off as original work. Ta!