Jul 26, 2009

Of Blogging

The Dream

Split The Pain

Nothing To Lose

Summer of 69

To E16 and back again

You Bring out the Up-Walli In Me

I always wanted to do this post. Started making up this list a long time back, ages, it seems. As if the list on the side wasn't enough, I wanted to have a list of singular posts, and not blogs as a whole, or writers, that had, at some point in time, left me mesmerised. Influenced me so much, that I have gone back time and again to these words, sometimes for a moment of solace, sometimes to be mesmerised by the play of words again, to recreate the powerful imagery in which I lose myself... and sometimes, to just remember the tingle at the back of my neck when I read these the first, nay the second time, ever! Some of the links are perhaps obsolete, some blogs are perhaps forever lost, others are dormant since long, some of them have moved on... The list is of course incomplete and I can think of a few posts for which I am too lazy to hunt the links. Like the post on 'smells' by Smriti aka Soulcurry, or a couple of poems that I relate to very personally. Others, which I read ages back when I'd just started blogging, yet more which were more interesting for the stream of comments after, than the post in itself. There are other blogs, Ive chanced across since then, some of which I've devoured in a few hours of office time spent better. But, Gah! Now, Shorter or Longer, Never...

Jul 1, 2009

Breaking News

In other incidents of no consequence, my uncle was complaining to my 22 year old cousin about constantly receiving porn links as offline messages from him (my cousin) on msn messenger. All attempts at convincing him were futile. He was simply unable to comprehend that they are chain viruses / spam that get automatically forwarded, leave aside the fact that he would be the last beneficiary in the whole wide world of such messages on my cousin's behalf. What's more, apparently, dear uncle has been receiving such messages from my hotmail id as well. Should I really be bothered, or should I simply enjoy a laugh?

any of you on my msn contacts list?


Every photograph on this blog (except the title background) has been taken by me. . . To view more, click on any of them to go to my Flickr page (link on sidebar too). Feel free to use them the way you like, no issues, though I wouldn't like it if someone passes them off as original work. Ta!