Jul 3, 2006


Half, you will paint the horizon
Tears, you will weave the scarf
Stuck, you will take me sightseeing
Nightmare, you will write for me
Speechless, you will see through
Time, you will not break apart
Fog, you will buy me treasures
Distant, you will give a name
My hands, you will cry
Rushed, we will dance
Build, we will have warmth
Ecstasy, we will create
Life, we will meet

Will we...


Anonymous said...

It touches on something that I cant quite describe.. something joyous.. and it seems as if the closing lines are yet to be penned.. to each his/her own?

Kunal said...

you know you're damn insightful, tulip...i wrote these lines long time back..and then left it thinking ill finish it later..never did...just posted it..

Anonymous said...

I guess tulip is right; it touches something deeper than where words originate from. Something that lies on the spectrum encompassing warmth n hope. And then the ellipsis. The comment is for the last but one line...

With stars in my eyes, I walked
She said stop, where do you go
“To meet life who is beautiful,
Like the gems on the king’s crown”
Hurried I down
And went too far
When truth dawned.
It was life that had tried to stop me…

Kunal said...

except that ive already met life, every second...good words though!

Anonymous said...

yeah kinda that's wot I meant... :)


Every photograph on this blog (except the title background) has been taken by me. . . To view more, click on any of them to go to my Flickr page (link on sidebar too). Feel free to use them the way you like, no issues, though I wouldn't like it if someone passes them off as original work. Ta!