Oct 28, 2006

2 Stars

I found two stars today
Twinkle twinkle bright
and the clear October sky
they fell from

Who do they belong to?
The old lady with no teeth
or the man on the pavement
The child with the torn shirt
Curled up, from the cold

Will the stars buy them?
Some warmth and some cheer
of gifts and sweets and lights
or will it give them hope
of the summer tomorrow?

I flipped them around
But didn't find my name

Must have been broken dreams
Those stars they came from

Some of yours,
some mine


Anonymous said...

were they very bright? then they must've been smone's wishes :)

Anonymous said...

uh huh... nice:) really!

Anonymous said...

n hey did the stars finally find a pair of eyes to twinkle in?

Anonymous said...

now it reads different :)

Kunal said...

It doesn't mean anything

Moon Child said...

oh but i bet it does

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

for some strange reason, i think of these words and then i think of them in hindi......they r beautiful :)

Kunal said...

thats a new perspective, moi...

Kunal said...

moon child...depends on when the question is asked...:)

dobereinerr said...

Nice this


Every photograph on this blog (except the title background) has been taken by me. . . To view more, click on any of them to go to my Flickr page (link on sidebar too). Feel free to use them the way you like, no issues, though I wouldn't like it if someone passes them off as original work. Ta!